In celebration of inspirational women around the world... bound by our joy and our laughter, heartache and tears. Join us on our journey of Motherhood: one which will be exciting, surprising and devastating, all at the same time...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Grand Plan

If you are reading this blog, I'm under the assumption that you have been touched by our Grand Plan! This being my inspired movement that I've christened "A Pinch of Kindness." After being so touched by the Invisible Mother post, I started to think to myself that I somehow wanted to use these feelings in a tangible way.

As a single mother of three growing children, I often find myself scrimping and saving to make ends meet, so donations in a monetary sense just isn't realistically feasible for me. My heart tells me that I should volunteer in my community, but my full time job as a mother and my 40 hour work week outside the house makes this an unrealistic goal as well. And to be completely honest, I have a hard to sticking to anything that I am not totally passionate about.
     So this leads me to this new and exciting adventure that I'm taking on. And who better to join me in my quest but my Fab Five Ladies... Ali, Jenny, Kim and Natalie.
     These are my closet girlfriends. The girls that I turn to on a daily basis for support over the mundane, laughter over the insane and basically every little nuance that happens to touch my life. We met through a local playgroup about five years ago. Some us of bonded right away, other's we initially met there and over time slowly but surely turned into an amazing friendship. Like any relationship, we've had our ups and downs, our spats, our dramatic turn abouts... but as a whole I dare say with pride that it's our openness to agree to disagree, our ability to see without judgement, and live by the motto of Live. Love. Laugh. everything else will eventually fall into place, that has sustained us over the years and made us stronger then ever.
      Our original nickname was the Fab Five, for the mere fact that there are five of us and we are all Fabulous in our own right. Of course, this is also the nickname made famous by the Bravo television hit Queer Eye for the Straight Guy men and so I've come to the realization that this might not be the most accurate nickname for me and my ladies. Seeing how we are not five incredibly handsome, perfectly coiffed and stylized men ready to take on the world!
    You will learn more about these incredible women that grace my life and in turn... touched yours, as the days turn into weeks, as I hope to be somewhat regular in my postings. I simply adore these gals and while I know I am biased, I hope that you will see all the reasons why these are MY girls. I imagine that you will be able to relate to at least one of them, and see one or more of your friends in at least one of these ladies.

   So I went to my ladies with my plan... a simple idea... to share our abundance of love and friendship with those around us. We all have a circle of friends. They tend to multipy in rings and these are my inner circle gals. These are the girls that inhance my life and add colour to the sometimes grey areas that often invade in such a shadowed world. With them I find my true focus and my best self.  Perhaps this joy is meant for more then just us. Perhaps we can become a bright spot for someone else.
    That is where A Pinch of Kindness was introduced. As it often only takes a pinch of salt or a pinch of sugar to make all the difference in a simple recipe, it also only takes a pinch of kindness to make all the difference in the life of a friend, a family member, or even a stranger.
   My goal is to start a ripple effect of kindness to women. I have found that it can be as simple as a prepared meal, a hand written note, the smallest token of appreciation to make a regular day...a day to remember! It is often on the days we need it most, when our hearts ache for some type of validation of our hard work that it usually passes by without notice. It is my hope to make everyday, a day that we celebrate kindness amoung each other as we are bound together by the essence of being women, mothers. It is my privelage to be a part of this circle. I invite you to share this journey with me. To be inspired by the women around you as I have and to pay it forward in your own unqiue and special way... this is mine.

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