In celebration of inspirational women around the world... bound by our joy and our laughter, heartache and tears. Join us on our journey of Motherhood: one which will be exciting, surprising and devastating, all at the same time...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Another piece of the puzzle...

I feel like a used banana peel, my body limp and exhausted as I lie in bed after a Spring Break trip up to the water park mecca known as The Dells. For those not familiar with Wisconsin, this tourist area boasts the Worlds Biggest Water park... so you can imagine what the last few days has entailed for me. I hear your audible "OMG" and visualize the your shake of your head, eyes closed and a crazy smirk on your face. What the hell was I thinking bringing three kids on my own to this craziness? A mother's love... guilt, just plain old bad judgement? A mix of them all I'm sure.
    To start, why does our school district have Spring Break so early? We woke up to a frozen tundra of ice and snow that literally froze my car locks shut. I know I am now a true Wisconsinite as I luckily carry a two foot ice scraper and a bright yellow bottle of Ice-B-Gone in my trunk year round. I was mighty happy for these two items as I stood in three inches of arctic ice water in purple flip flops no less, packing up the car this morning  as we checked out of the resort. I knew I still had a full day ahead of me before we would return home, but I tried to find the humor, the memory in the moment of insanity. Now I am home in my warm bed and am so thankful for the next four days to recoup from the madness we all know called "the great American Family vacation"!
    I will not bore you with stories of me nearly throwing up on the kiddie coaster, or me cussing at the arcade when the I lost Deal or No Deal....again... or me taking no prisoners when I didn't go easy and let my child win Air Hokey. Those are not the kind of sweet memories that I want to share, though I will always remember them.                                
   What I do want to share is my excitement over finding another piece of the puzzle for my project. A few days ago before I took my vacation break from my newest obsession, Alison brought up an idea of having a little figurine or token that could be sent to our special Lady of the Month as a reminder of us... I addressed this in my usual "I need to ponder this for a day or so to figure out the perfect idea." The Martha Stewart part of me wanted to find something that would "Coordinate" with the motto: a Pinch of Kindness. But what? The thought pillaged my brain for a few hours and then I consciously had to tell myself, "Mitzi, you're going on vacation...give it a break!!!"
    So you can imagine the glee I felt on a mid swim/coaster break at a small gift shop when I happened upon miniature eternity circles. It could be put on a simple chain, a keyring, even made into a magnet or a number of other creative things.  But most significant to me was that it had the word kindness engraved on it and was the size of a coin, just the perfect size to hold between my thumb and my pointer finger... a pinch. The silver circle was a mere three dollars. By all means, not extravagant, just a cheap reminder of such a extravagant objective...kindness.
    Before I even got my kids home from our trip, I myself was reminded of this notion as I pillaged through my purse in search of a quarter for my youngest son, zonked out of his mind from too much fun, not enough sleep vacation as he requests "a quarter...I need quarter Mom... I want you have a quarter Mom?" I furiously dig into the bottom of my purse, just wanting to dig out a quarter to shut the kid up so we can get to the car and on the road home and pull out what I think is the sought after coin, only to find this miraculous find  from the gift shop. I take a breathe, turn to my son and say: "Did you have fun at Mt.Olympus?" In turn, Nicolas says, "I did Mom. I had a great time! Thanks so much for taking us!" I smile and ask, "what was your favorite part?" Nicolas beams... "Everything was my favorite..." and goes on to give me a play by play of everything we did over the last couple of days and suddenly no one was whining for a quarter... he never brought it up again... KINDNESS

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