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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Keeping it Real

Too sick to write much tonight, but I feel obligated to write something, so here it goes. I made it through a leaky, sneezy, coughy, achey day at work and am finally cozied into bed for the duration until I rise tomorrow to do it all over again.  
    I was too sick to worry about wearing make up to work. I was too sick to care that the kids got up at 5:30 to play Wii. I was to sick to cook them dinner tonight, so it was McDonalds to the rescue. I was too sick to care that Nic wore his new school tennis shoes out and got the entire muddy backyard on them and wore them back inside with half the yard still attached. I merely threw them in the soapy dish water as I rinsed both the dishes and the shoes and even contemplated throwing the shoes in the dish washer, but with my luck I'd ruin the blinking lights and have a tantrum on my hands come Monday morning. 
     However, I was not too sick to run by Walmart and get razors to shave my legs, the second time in about five months. Something about the sunny weather makes me hopeful for the day that I can throw shorts and flip flops on and leave the house. I was not too sick to pick up a pediatric enema kit to ease the dreaded constipation of my six year old. I insisted he poop when we were in the Dells for Spring Break a week and a half ago and I think he's poop once since! He sat on the toilet until he nearly fell off asleep last night! So, one little squeeze and he was back in working order. I was not too tired to take a long hot shower and rinse out my sinus once again, only to have my head fill back up with gunk by the time I toweled off.  I was not too tired to go by the movie store and pick up The Blind Side now that it's moved to the $1 rack and enjoy it in the background as I write this post and inevitably bounce around the internet until I'm ready to crash for the night, which will be sooner then later tonight.
    Perhaps I'll re-watch Annie later if the coughing keeps me from falling asleep... just waiting for the decongestant to kick in... I hope it does soon! Perhaps a grape popscicle to cool my sore throat will be in order and then I'm calling it a night. So for every thing you "didn't do today"... remember everything you did do... it's NOT about keeping tally... it's about keeping it real!

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