In celebration of inspirational women around the world... bound by our joy and our laughter, heartache and tears. Join us on our journey of Motherhood: one which will be exciting, surprising and devastating, all at the same time...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Argh.... technology....

So I figured out today that my hotmail account I set up for POK does not work, so I opened a new account with yahoo. This would not be such a big deal with the exception that I had cards made with the hotmail address on them.  Those who know me and the Martha Stewart side of me, know that I was fit to be tied at this predicament and it took all my strength not to fall into a puddle of tears, after all the time and effort I put forth in designing these cards. However, the problem solving Mom part of me  thankfully took over and  I merely  printed out address labels to cover this mistake up and now I'm back in business. Of course, this took me about an hour out of my evening and now I'm an hour behind on everything else.... story of my life....

On the bright side, I did get four cards/letters mailed out today to four amazing women I know! Childhood friends that have now grown up and become Mommy's and it's so much fun for me to watch as their children grow along side mine, even if only via pictures on FaceBook! So, while I was cussing out technology for a good hour tonight, now I am reminded just how thankful I am for it as well....

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